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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park infographics: what's built/coming/missing, who's responsible, + project overview/FAQ/timeline (pinned post)

Sites seemed cleared for B12 and B13 construction

Yes, it looks likes the sites for B12 and B13, 615 and 595 Dean Street respectively, have been cleared for future construction.

They're expected to start this year, with some 800 rental units, at least 25% affordable, though the affordability level is unclear. As of last week and this coming week, no work other than fence repair was expected.

Click on the links for more on the towers' design, open space, parking, and field house/fitness center.

Looking south toward Dean Street
Looking southeast toward Dean Street and Carlton Avenue, and the 535 Carlton tower (B14)


  1. 800 units and only 25% affordable, I won't be surprised the low income units will be lower percentage than 25%

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I find it so interesting when affordability is discussed in terms of percentages rather than number of units and vice versa. I have seen headlines for certain developments where they discuss a "massive" affordable housing development of ~300 units and others where they discuss a "limited amount of 20% affordable units." I'm not an expert on Atlantic Yards, but if I am piecing it together correctly, there will be about 500+ units in the two towers currently under construction plus the B12 and B13 towers. 500+ units of affordable housing going up anywhere else in the City would get a "massive affordable housing development" headline. I'm sure this all has to do with context, history (in this case the overall number promised and delays in getting there), and the politics of the publication (whether explicit or advertisers feeding news clips) - just interesting to see. I also have to think that higher end developments take some of the pressure off of the existing housing stock in terms of wealthier people bidding up rents/purchase prices, but I am sure there are multiple factors at play and this would require some in depth academic studies. Intuitively, I would think that I would rather the wealthier person overpay for an apartment on a former parking lot that subsidizes some affordable units than having that same person bid up the rent on a unit in one of the older buildings on Vanderbilt and surrounding streets.


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