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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park infographics: what's built/coming/missing, who's responsible, + project overview/FAQ/timeline (pinned post)

There's no official construction at B12. But there's still noise and vibration.

Two days ago, not long after I wrote about the absurdist dialogue regarding whether noisy construction activity qualified as construction noise for which the state could require mitigation, Peter Krashes, the Dean Street resident on one end of the dialogue, wrote, "This morning our house shook with the dropping of massive boulders by Tully [Construction] into the B12 lot."

That's a lot just west of 550 Vanderbilt (aka B11) on Dean Street west of Vanderbilt Avenue. Tully is working on the permanent and relocated Vanderbilt Yard, a project that, at least according to its web site (right), was supposed to be done in 2017.

Karshes sent the photo below, time-stamped 9:08 am. You can see some boulders through the fence, and more in the second photo. 

Though Krashes couldn't say all boulders were dropped there that morning, there's hasn't been much construction-related work in that lot for a few weeks.
