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Thumbs up! Group pitching Kushner's investor visas in China go for traditional method of fiscal assurance

From web site of Qiaowai migration agency, posted photos of the group marketing the Kushner Companies' One Journal Square EB-5 project (my coverage) to potential immigrant investors in Shanghai (above) and Beijing (below). 

This kind of pageantry is nothing new. As Peter Elkind wrote in Fortune in July 2014, The dark, disturbing world of the visa-for-sale program:
EB-5 fundraising is a messy process, more like pitching vacation timeshares than any normal form of deal finance. Developers embark on road shows to big cities across China. With help from local ā€œmigration agents,ā€ they use spam messages, slick websites, and telemarketing to round up potential investors for free dinner seminars featuring raffles for iPhones and lofty promises of a brighter future.
