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From the latest Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Construction Alert: overnight work at railyard this weekend, with bright lights

The most pressing news regarding Atlantic Yards community impacts emerged yesterday when the 78th Precinct announced road closures this morning for the circus load-in.

But there's more coming this weekend: overnight work in the railyard this weekend and next, with the work area--in the northwest corner of the railyard just east of Sixth Avenue below Atlantic Avenue--to be "illuminated by rail yard lights."

Given the pattern in the past, such illumination may prove troublesome for residents nearby.

From the latest Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Brooklyn Construction Update, below, covering this week and next and issued yesterday by Empire State Development after preparation by Greenland Forest City Partners, with new information bolded:ļæ¼
LIRR Yard Activities ā€“ Night/Weekend Work
ā€¢ Night time and Weekend work being performed inside the LIRR Tunnel will continue during this reporting period. Crews will access the Tunnel via the LIRR Yard entrance on Atlantic Avenue. This work is currently slated to continue through the end of February 2015.
ā€¢ LIRR personnel are scheduled to perform weekend work (with assistance from yard contractor) beginning as early as the weekend of February 20th. Work will entail the re-routing of electrical cables within underground duct banks that provide power to the tracks in the yard. Work will take place at the northwest portion of Block 1120 and is expected to take a minimum of two (2) weekends to complete. Work will be continuous throughout the weekend, commencing Friday night through Monday morning, and is being done during weekend hours because it requires all power to the tracks to be shutdown. During nighttime hours, work area will be illuminated by rail yard lights.
Below are verbatim excerpts from the document. I've bolded the new information compared with the previous document.

B11 ā€“ 550 Vanderbilt Avenue:
o Installation of the portion of the 16ā€™ fence along Dean Street that could not be installed because of conflicts with this gas line work has been completedo Excavation and hauling of soil from site. Soil that has been classified as clean, contaminated or hazardous will be removed from the site as part of the excavation activities and brought to appropriate disposal locations. Protocols for the trucks entering and exiting the site have been put in place. These protocols provide instruction on roadway routing to and from the project site, queuing of trucks while on site and vehicle idling restrictions. Additionally, monitoring for volatile organic compounds (VOC) has been instituted for the construction site. Monitors are located downwind on the corner of Vanderbilt and Pacific Avenue, due to the wind blowing from the southwest. The meter is monitoring for VOCs that may be disturbed during excavation, of which petroleum is the main one of concern due to historic UST installations in the areas.
B14- 535 Carlton Avenue:
o Excavation and foundation activities will continue during this reporting period. Work includes drilling of pipe piles for the SOE system and excavation of soil to a depth of 8ā€™ for the installation of lagging and the drilling of the first level of tie backs. Soil that has been classified as clean, contaminated or hazardous will be removed from the site as part of the excavation activities and brought to appropriate disposal locations. Protocols for the trucks entering and exiting the site have been put in place. These protocols provide instruction on roadway routing to and from the project site, queuing of trucks while on site and vehicle idling restrictions
o A support of excavation (SOE) drill rig will be on the site and will continue through this reporting period.
o A tie-back drill rig will be working, drilling the first level of tie backs for the SOE system. Drilling will commence in the northwest corner of the site at Pacific Street and Carlton Avenue and work its way counterclockwise around the site.o Site mobilization will continue, consisting of electrical work to power contractor field office and relocation of light poles to outside of site fence.
