Yesterday afternoon, Empire State Development announced the rescheduled inaugural meeting of the long-delayed Atlantic Yards Community Development Corporation, aimed to monitor the project, though it still hasn't announced the board members, most of whom are appointed by the governor.
And instead of being held in Manhattan, as was planned last week, the meeting will be held in Brooklyn, as originally promised.
When: Friday, February 6, 2015, at 4:00 p.m.
Where: Long Island Universityās Brooklyn Campus Library Learning Center ā 515C Conference Room (5th Floor) One University Plaza (at Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues) Brooklyn, New York 11201
This meeting is open to the public. Web casting of the meeting is available.
RSVP required
Those wishing to attend must RSVP by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 5, 2015. Members of the press should please call (800) 260-7313; Members of the public should please call (212) 803-3795.
Why an RSVP is needed is unclear. The explanation for an RSVP at ESD offices in Manhattan is "building procedures." I don't think Long Island University has the same procedures.
The agenda
The agenda remains the same as last week. As I wrote, the first four items (Corporate Action) seem boilerplate.It's unclear whether President's Corporate Update is mere boilerplate too, or whether the yet-to-be-identified President will say something about, for example, complaints regardng the narrowing of Carlton Avenue and Dean Street.
4pm what about the shabbas worshippers who might want to go to this meeting. When Avi Schick was the head of this agency you would never have a 4pm mtg on a Fri.