Starting this morning, Dean Street between Flatbush/6th closed for a week from 9 am to 6 pm for installation of tower crane for B2 construction; last-minute notice after vague information
A Community Notice sent late yesterday afternoon to some Prospect Heights residents (and sent directly to me and others at 10 pm, right) told them that Dean Street next to the arena block would close this morning for a week:
No clear warning
There was no clear warning that this would be coming, since any previous information suggested it would happen last week and was vague about the length of time to be closed. From the latest two-week Atlantic Yards Construction Alert, dated 11/11/13 but released 11/14/13:
DEAN STREET BETWEEN FLATBUSH & 6TH AVENUES WILL BE CLOSED for one week, starting Wednesday, November 20th through Wednesday, November 27th to erect a tower crane and dismantle the crawler crane on the B2 construction site located at the corner of Flatbush Avenue and Dean Street.
Please note that although the street closure will be from 9 am to 6 pm, this work is expected to start at 7 am.
Access to the Barclays Center loading dock is being coordinated via 6th Avenue. Vehicles requiring access to the loading dock will be directed by flagmen, which will be provided by the both the arena operations team and the B2 construction team.
For additional information, please contact the Atlantic Yards Community Liaison Office at 1-866-923-5315 or added)
No clear warning
There was no clear warning that this would be coming, since any previous information suggested it would happen last week and was vague about the length of time to be closed. From the latest two-week Atlantic Yards Construction Alert, dated 11/11/13 but released 11/14/13:
ā¢ Subject to receipt of all approvals/permits erection of the Tower Crane and the removal of the crawler crane will be pushed into the week of November 11th. Once approval is issued from the DOB, Dean St will be closed as required; from 9 am to 5 pm. Access to the Arenaās loading dock will be coordinated via 6th Ave. during the time Dean St is closed. This will be coordinated with the Arena's staff.Note that "closed as required" was a vague term that I (and presumably others) read as one day, which obviously was a misreading. But the previous two-week Atlantic Yards Construction Alert, dated 10/28/13 said "during the week," which did not imply the full week:
Subject to receipt of necessary permits, erection of the tower crane and removal of the crawler crane will take place during the week of October 28th. This work will require the closure of Dean Street from 9 AM TO 9 PM. Access to the Arenaās loading dock will be coordinated via 6th Avenue.
There is also no announced or street-level disclosure on the re-routing of the eastbound Dean Street B65 bus. Bus riders aapprently are expected to guess, on their own, which way to walk further to find their transportation. Shame on FCRC, The City of New York, and State agencies ESDC and MTA for yet another public inconvenience for private profit.