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Idling trucks/buses at 3:20 a.m. outside arena after Kanye West concert, neighbor reports; leaking bass shakes items inside apartment

The two Kanye West concerts in the last two nights at the Barclays Center produced some severe headaches for nearby residents. As one resident of Sixth Avenue below Dean Street reported, the noise of idling buses and vehicles "has been so bad that itā€™s been enough for me to actually get up (Iā€™d failed to get back to sleep for a while), make a complaint to 311 and record video."

He went up the block to the arena at 3:20 am last night and recorded five buses and two trucks idling. "The trucks moved after I walked around," he stated. "I spoke to one of the bus drivers and he said theyā€™d been told to wait and idle by the venue."

Leaking bass

"Before the concert even finished, the music was louder than Iā€™ve heard before from the arena with the bass actually shaking items in our apartment," he reported. "I could also hear it outside at the corner of Bergen [Street[ and Flatbush [Avenue] at around 10 pm."

"Apart from the Justin Bieber fans this has been the worst noise in my opinion since the arena opened," he added.
