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More videos from the January 5 state Senate oversight hearing

Below, a collection of videos culled from the official coverage of the 1/5/10 state Senate oversight hearing on eminent domain called by Senator Bill Perkins.

ESDC General Counsel Anita Laremont on the standards for Blight Studies

ESDC General Counsel Anita Laremont is asked if consultant AKRF always finds blight

ESDC General Counsel Anita Laremont is asked if AKRF worked for Forest City Ratner, as well

Attorney Norman Siegel, who won an appellate court victory challenging eminent domain for the Columbia University expansion

David Smith, Siegel's co-counsel in the Columbia case

Condemnation Attorney Michael Rikon

Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn spokesman Daniel Goldstein

Christina Walsh of the Institute for Justice

Michael White of Noticing New York

Christabel Gough of the Society for the Architecture of the City
