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Markowitz, endorsing Levin in the 33rd, joins Lopez (and Moses) in prioritizing results over process

One of the enduring (and simplified) debates regarding the legacies of urbanist Jane Jacobs and master builder/power broker Robert Moses is the balance between results and process.

You can't make an omelet, Moses liked to say, without breaking eggs, and Moses was notably callous about the impact of his major projects on the people living in the way. On the other hand, neighborhood activists invoking Jacobs have used process to gum up any change, even when it might be wise and even though Jacobs did believe in certain big projects, like public transit.

The Levin endorsement

The issue re-emerges in a Brooklyn Paper article regarding Borough President Marty Markowitz's endorsement of machine candidate Steve Levin, chief of staff to Assemblyman (and Brooklyn Democratic Party head) Vito Lopez in the crowded 33rd District Council race

Levin is the only candidate to support the Lopez-backed Broadway Triangle rezoning, which Markowitz supports:
ā€œI know Steveā€™s opponents think process is more important than results ā€¦ but he understands that results are the most important thing,ā€ said Markowitz.

ā€œBy working closely with Vito Lopez, Steve Levin understands the necessity of delivering affordable housing to his community,ā€ the Beep added.

Well, Lopez also prizes results over process: "ā€œPeople want housing... What groups get it is another story."

In the case of Broadway Triangle, the recipients of no-bid contracts are groups tied to Lopez.

AY parallels

And, of course, Markowitz has long supported Forest City Ratner's Atlantic Yards plan, erroneously claiming, "The Atlantic Yards area has been available for any developer in America for over 100 years." 

He hadn't suggested that the Vanderbilt Yard--or the privately-owned (and generally occupied) properties around it--be put out for bid or declared blighted.
