The media roundup includes several blog posts and coverage on WNYC radio, but the tabloids--which previewed the announcement in March--didn't cover the event. I think that's a recognition that the story, for now, didn't deserve more attention.
Of course, the entire announcement should've been treated with more skepticism--I read the locution about opening "in calendar year 2010" as allowing for a lot of wiggle room. (There were some skeptics on the NetsDaily blog.)
And, if Atlantic Yards stalls further, we'll see if NoLandGrab's Eric McClure was right in his Shakespearian observation of the Nets' CEO:
NLG: Alas, poor [Brett] Yormark. He and his Nets and Forest City Ratner cronies doth protest too much, we thinks, when it comes to the unrelenting efforts to dispel the inconvenient Nets-to-Newark rumors.
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