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A survey from the Brooklyn Nets: "Help Us Improve Your Barclays Center Experience!" (or, maybe: help us market the playoffs?)

An email yesterday invited Brooklyn Nets fans to fill out a survey, with the carrot--a chance for one of five $250 vouchers on Jet Blue.

It's not surprising that the Nets might pursue such a survey, though the tight April 9 closing date suggests that the results might help inform marketing for the April 15 start of the NBA playoff season. The Nets have a capable, if less-known, starting five that includes four players who arrived in February, after superstars Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant engineered their exit.

Otherwise, why not wait until after this roller-coaster season?

Demographics and income

The survey asked for various demographic, education, and locational information, including how long (for New Yorkers, at least) they've lived in and around the city.

Note that the question about total household income set increments of $25,000, up to $150,000, whereupon there were two increments of $50,000, then $250,000 or more.

In other words, $150,000 or more is not a meaningful category when the team/arena seek to market more expensive products to people with significantly higher incomes than that floor.

About sports

Respondents were asked about how closely they follow other sports leagues and local teams, as well as their level of interest in attending those home games.

They were asked their favorite NBA team, as well as their opinion about the Brooklyn Nets and New York Liberty, and a few rival NBA teams: Philadelphia 76ers, New York Knicks, Phoenix Suns, Boston Celtics, Milwaukee Bucks, Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, and Dallas Mavericks. 

Remember, Irving was traded to the Mavs, and Durant to the Suns. What about fun teams like the Cleveland Cavaliers, Sacramento Kings, Memphis Grizzlies, and (if-Zion-returns) New Orleans Pelicans?

About the Nets: loaded questions

The most, um, intriguing question asked respondents to think of the Brooklyn Nets franchise--not just the current team but over a longer period of fandom--and suggest three words.

That could open up a real can of worms, since the Nets have had a roller-coaster existince: coming in strong, overpaying for stars, rebuilding without stars, embracing superstars, then trading them away, all without many post-season victories.

The word "disappointing" would have to surface.  Perhaps "surprising," given that roller-coaster. Or maybe "mercenary," for ever-rising ticket prices?

Also, respondents were asked to evaluate if certain adjectives or phrases--all positive--described the Nets well, including Progressive, Talented, Trendsetting, Exciting, Modern, Vigorous, Culturally relevant, Welcoming, Gritty, and Competitive.

How about: ever-changing, or inconsistent?

Why go to Barclays?

Respondents were asked how many games they attended in the past season, how they got tickets, their primary reason for attending, how far in advance they bought tickets, and from what source.

An open-ended question asked respondents their favorite part about attending a Nets game at Barclays Center, while another asked if a list of reasons--from convenient location to relative affordability to a chance to see other teams' stars--were relevant.

Note the option to answer that the games are "more affordable" than at other venues. 

Indeed, tickets for the Nets are less than for the more-established New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden in Manhattan, but from what I can tell--especially as the Nets' roster grew more expensive--that gap has narrowed.

The bottom line

Respondents were also asked about what social media platforms they use.

So this should help with marketing.

The Nets, of course, are not a civic institution. They're a sports entertainment corporation, staffed by an ever-changing cast, with the Brooklyn moniker on their jerseys.
