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Opposite Barclays, DOT's new bike corral improves congestion (e-bikes, vehicles) outside popular Chick-fil-A (and Shake Shack), but double-parking persists

Looking south on Flatbush. Photo: Nov. 15
Well, there's a (partial) solution for the congested sidewalk on Flatbush Avenue below Pacific Street opposite the Barclays Center, where Shake Shack and especially Chick-fil-A generate an enormous number of takeout orders, some from drivers who like to double-park but mostly via app-based delivery services.

A new bike corral has been created in the parking lane, which is now blocked by planters for southbound traffic. 

That does not, as shown in the photos (and video) below, fully deter drivers from double-parking or some delivery guys to park on the sidewalk, as I saw during a daytime visit and an evening one.

"Constant issue"

It's been a "constant issue" since Chick-fil-A opened in September 2019, according to a letter from Community Board 6's Eric McClure. 

Photo: April 19
Earlier this year, 78th Precinct Commander Frantz Souffrant took temporary action, using barriers to deter parking and set up a bike corral in the parking lane, thus freeing up sidewalk space, but said that was pending a solution from the city Department of Transportation (DOT).

Notably, the presence of scaffolding on an adjacent parcel to the south narrowed the sidewalk, which meant that even a few delivery guys waiting on e-bikes could congest the passageway for pedestrians. That scaffolding is now gone.

DOT action

Looking west on Pacific St. Photo: Nov. 15
Well, the DOT has taken action, according to the North Flatbush Business Improvement District's recent newsletter:
HUGE day for the Avenue! We believe we have a good solution to the traffic issues at Pacific Street thanks to @nyc_dot!

Most of the remaining planters we had in storage are being put to good use as a traffic control and bike corral outside @shakeshack and @cfaflatbush. This plan was put together and implemented by @nyc_dot.

Also want to thank @losdeliveristasunidos_ny for facilitating and @thehort for planting immediately after they were put in place!
Based on my brief visit during the afternoon of Tuesday, Nov. 15, I'd say there's definitely improvement, but still potential for snags. As shown in the photo above right, there's now no way for drivers to idle on Pacific Street as it approaches Flatbush Avenue.

The double-parking problem

However, as shown in the photos below, some drivers ordering takeout will double-park even next to the protected lane.
Looking south on Flatbush. Photo: Nov. 15

Looking south on Flatbush. Photo: Nov. 17

The short video below, shot at 8:11 pm last night, shows how even a few vehicles double-parking for pickup can slow southbound traffic on Flatbush Avenue.


Using the sidewalk

As shown in the photo below, most of the deliveristas seem to be using the bike corral or the piece of sidewalk flush to the curb. 

Looking north on Flatbush. Photo: Nov. 15

But there's limited space, and/or some are in a hurry, so I saw a few bikes parked next to the restaurants.

Looking north on Flatbush. Photo: Nov. 15

As shown below, the area farther away from the stores was not being used.

Looking north on Flatbush, near Pacific. Photo: Nov. 15
