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Next (virtual) Quality of Life meeting set for Jan. 26; meeting schedule set for 2021

This past week, Empire State Development sent a message announcing that the next Atlantic Yards Project Quality of Life Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, at 6 pm. (The meetings are typically bi-monthly; the most recent meeting was on 11/17/20.)

Project-related questions and suggested agenda items may be sent to I'll have a preview article shortly before the meeting. Among the issues, surely, will be those lingering from last year: the plans for the platform and next towers; any movement on Site 5; the impact of disruptive and after-hours construction.

Like the other such bi-monthly meetings during the pandemic, it will be held virtually. So far, it's been particularly nontransparent, with only the presenters visible, and a one-way chat from attendees to presenters, which limits follow-up questions.

Dial In: +16465588656,,94576141104#
Meeting ID: 945 7614 1104

The 2021 meeting schedule

Meetings in 2021 are planned for March 2 (some five weeks after the January meeting); May 11, July 13; September 14; and November 16. As of now they are all planned as virtual, though it's not implausible to imagine a return to in-person meetings.

The time span allotted is 6 pm to 8 pm, but typically the meetings take less than an hour.
