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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park infographics: what's built/coming/missing, who's responsible, + project overview/FAQ/timeline (pinned post)

From the latest Construction Update: work that was supposed to start two weeks ago now might start (including removal of substation)

The latest Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Construction Update (bottom), covering the two weeks beginning Monday, Nov. 26, 2018 was circulated at 4:40 pm Wednesday (lead time) by Empire State Development (ESD) after preparation by Greenland Forest City Partners.

There are few changes from the previous update, given that no new buildings are under construction, with infrastructure work at the railyard the prime activity.

These updates can be confusing, since (see bottom) they indicate--in red--work that's supposed to be new but actually was forecasted in the previous update, but perhaps never actually started.

For example, portrayed as new is that "the Contractor will continue backfilling, compaction and tamping for Railyard storage tracks in Block 1121." Actually, that was in the last update, except the term "grading" was used instead of "tamping.

Also, "the demolition and removal of the existing Substation equipment and structures west of the 6th Avenue Bridge may begin during this reporting period." That was "may begin" in the previous two weeks and, in fact, was announced at the most recent Quality of Life meeting, but apparently didn't go forward.

Another partial repeat:
Pile drilling for East Portal Support of Excavation (SOE) is expected to begin during this reporting period. Drilling will be conducted during daytime hours and appropriate dust and noise mitigation measures will be followed. This operation may also be performed during Saturday daytime hours.
That was supposed to begin in the previous two weeks. But the option to work on Saturday is new. Perhaps they're falling behind.

Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Brooklyn Construction Alert weeks of 11/26/18 and 12/3/18 by Norman Oder on Scribd
