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Is Prospect Park West bike lane "like Atlantic Yards"?

A New York Times article today on the dispute over the Prospect Park West bike lane closes:
“Part of it is, people don’t like anything new,” she said. “New is bad. It’s like Atlantic Yards. And dogs off leash. Like there’s nothing else wrong with the world.”
Except a bike lane, aimed in part at traffic calming, is not so much like a project that would increase traffic.

And a good number of those supporting the bike lane, such as the organization Park Slope Neighbors, don't support Atlantic Yards.


  1. Here's a difference:

    Atlantic Yards: The government takes away its citizens' private property, throwing them out of their owned homes, to give the properties to someone else, a very rich man who will use the sites as a parking lot for many years until he decides to build something else.

    PPW bike lane: The government changes the parking configuration on a public street.


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