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The Rocawear Pop Shop was supposed to come to "Atlantic Yard"

Rocawear, the clothing line co-founded by hip-hop superstar Jay-Z (a fractional owner of the New Jersey Nets), was apparently supposed to come to the Atlantic Yards footprint yesterday, via a mobile store known as a Rocawear Pop Shop.

According to the Roc4Life blog, the Pop Shop was to be in residence April 6-18 at "Atlantic Yard, Brooklyn, NY." According to one report,"On Monday April 6, the tour finishes in Jayā€™s native Brooklyn at Flatbush and 6th Avenue, located across from Atlantic Yard."

There certainly are empty lots in the AY footprint that could accommodate a Pop Shop. But no such store was spotted by me or another person who checked it out yesterday. Nor was there a Pop Shop nudging out Yummy Taco at Flatbush and 6th.

Did the store's promoters go astray looking for "Atlantic Yard"? Or is everything AY-related delayed?

(Update: another post indicated the Pop Shop's timing as "TBD".)

For more on the store, go to the site of designer d-ash design.
