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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park infographics: what's built/coming/missing, who's responsible, + project overview/FAQ/timeline (pinned post)

Correction: Yes, Atlantic Yards has been submitted for stimulus funds, but not by ESDC

[Update and correction 6:55 pm] I had written this morning, based on a state document, that "apparently, Atlantic Yards is shovel-ready, according to the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC), which had gone back-and-forth on that issue."

A cryptic entry in the massive, 774-page Second Draft List - Project Proposals (PDF), issued March 25 by the New York State Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Cabinet, mentions AY but, in contrast to most other projects, without a budget or a description. (Click to enlarge)

Not submitted by ESDC

My error. I should've emphasized the caveat (below), which cited "projects submitted by municipalities, organizations and individuals throughout New York State."

Before I left for a day-long conference, I sent a query to the ESDC. When I returned at nearly 6 pm, I saw the response, which said all questions about stimulus funding should be directed to the governor's office.

I contacted Erin Duggan, who's handling press for the stimulus package, who responded, "That is a very draft list of the requests that have come in. That communication in particular was from a citizen, and was not any official request for the project. We have no requests for funding for Atlantic Yards."

I'm assuming that that doesn't rule out an AY funding request in the future, and Duggan said she believed that was so.

Big caveat

The document offers a caveat;
Please note: These are projects submitted by municipalities, organizations and individuals throughout New York State. Projects on this list have been reviewed by staff to the Economic Recovery Cabinet and have been forwarded to the appropriate New York State agency (as identified in this listing) for a determination of potential funding eligibility and next steps. Inclusion in the list in no way implies acceptance, validation or certification of any project. Further, inclusion does not in any way imply that a project either qualifies for or will receive funding under one or more ARRA programs. Similarly, if you are looking for a particular project and do not find it, that does not mean or imply its rejection.

So there's another reason for Forest City Ratner to be spending big bucks on lobbying.

Transparency questions

Should AY get serious consideration, would Governor David Paterson consider the project "fully vetted"? Would the spending be transparent, immediate, and effective?


  1. If ESDC wants zero dollars for Atlantic Yards they can have it!


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