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Ratner says AY will proceed, claims Gehry's in the lead; architect backs off comment

An update to Frank Gehry's "I don’t think it’s going to happen" quote about Atlantic Yards was inevitable, and so was the backpedaling.

According to the Star-Ledger:
"Frank Gehry is a friend, a great architect and someone I have huge respect for," Ratner said in a prepared statement Tuesday night. "It is understandable how he and others have concerns about this project happening in the worst economic environment since the Great Depression.

"But that said, we've prevailed in 22 judicial decisions and are ready to proceed even at a time when other projects and industries have faltered. Atlantic Yards will get built and there has never been a time when this project is more important to the people of the state and city of New York and the borough of Brooklyn."

Gehry backs off

The New York Post, which, amusingly enough published a rendering it credited to Gehry that, rather, was produced by the Municipal Art Society for its "Atlantic Lots" project, found the architect revising his comment:
Gehry later backtracked through a publicist, saying his comments to the trade publication were "misconstrued as a prediction" about the project and that he remains "hopeful it will come to fruition."

...A Ratner spokesman yesterday said Gehry was still the project's "lead architect," but opponents of the controversial development said they doubt the architect is still involved because of his remarks about the project.

"If they're saying he is the lead architect, he seems to be leading them nowhere," said Daniel Goldstein, a spokesman for the group Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn.
