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Another protest tomorrow, from FUREE, regarding the lack of jobs at Atlantic Yards site and other sites

Updated: 1:30 p.m.  Starting Point: 81 Willoughby Street, Downtown Brooklyn. Press Conference: 15 MetroTech Center.

Beyond the protest scheduled tomorrow morning by P.P.E.E. (People for Political and Economic Empowerment) and REBUILD, FUREE (Families United for Racial and Economic Equality) tomorrow afternoon will be holding "WHERE THE JOBS AT?", a "Walking Tour & Action" aimed to highlight the lack of jobs at Atlantic Yards and other construction sites.

(FUREE, unlike the other groups, has never been an Atlantic Yards supporter.)

The hunt starts @ 1PM at FUREEā€™s office ā€“ 81 Willoughby St., Suite # 701.

Unemployment is high... Wages are down... Our communities are struggling... IT'S TIME TO TAKE ACTION!

"WHERE THE JOBS AT?" Walking Tour & Action

Across Fort Greene and Downtown Brooklyn big developers and corporations are given millions of tax-payer dollars and tax-breaks to build in our communities.

They promise jobs and/or affordable housing in return.

But what happens when the much-hyped community benefits shrivel up or disappear? How do we hold them accountable?

Join FUREE for a neighborhood walking tour and creative action to track down the missing jobs. From the Fulton Mall to Atlantic Yards to lesser known sites in the area, weā€™ll hunt down the mysterious job snatchers and find the real solutions we need.

Bring your family and friends, your FUREE t-shirts and noise-makers.

MORE INFO / RSVP to FUREE at: 718-852-2960 ext. 306, lucas(at)furee(dot)org.

Where the Jobs at - July 27 Action
