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Grow or die? Yes, but do it right, says Shiffman

Ron Shiffman, founder of the influential Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development (PICCED, now the Pratt Center for Community Development) and former City Planning Commissioner, has always been a community planner. So he took advantage of a prominent platform last night to offer some useful history of housing reform and some ambitious proposals for a more democratic city.

His prescriptions: more than double the amount of affordable housing planned by the Bloomberg administration, a time-out on major developments like Atlantic Yards, and a new emphasis on taming the market to achieve equity and diversity.

The occasion was the annual Ratensky Lecture sponsored by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) New York Chapter, in honor of Samuel Ratensky (1910-1972), a progressive architect and housing official in New York and a mentor to many. Shiffmanā€™s title: ā€œBeyond the Marketplace: Towards an Equitable Housing Program. The setting: the Center for Architecture in Greenwich Village.

ā€œHousing policy cannot be distilled into a simple sound bite or set of catchy slogans,ā€ Shiffman allowed. ā€œNew York City, because of its geographic and demographic diversity, needs a broad and complex set of policies to address its housing and community development needs.ā€

Grassroots groups key

Shiffman reminded his audience of architects and planners that it was community groups in the 1970s and 1980s that helped reverse neighborhood decline. Even as banks had redlined the neighborhoods, such groups demonstrating the need to stem the tide of abandonment, and renovate buildings. They pushed for changes in insurance laws to discourage owner-sponsored arson, and they developed new ways to finance the rehabilitation of housing.

ā€œThey demonstrated that a comprehensive housing policy must be comprised of a combination of tenant protections, preservation strategies, and development that includes both rehabilitation and new construction,ā€ said Shiffman, emphasizing that such strategies are interdependent.

He recalled the formation in Bedford-Stuyvesant of the countryā€™s first Community Development Corporation (CDC), a new institution to take action when neither the private sector nor the government could do so.

Not anti-development

Shiffman said that community-based housing organizations have, in partnerships, sponsored and renovated more than 80,000 units of housingā€”setting the stage for private investment. Community-based developers, community organizers and environmental justice advocates are not anti-development, he stressed.

However, they have fought ā€œagainst badly conceived public and private development projects -- urban renewal projects, Westway and the Lower Manhattan Expressway of the past,ā€ he said, pointing to todayā€™s fights against ā€œForest City Ratnerā€™s ill-conceived and out-dated 60ā€™s urban renewal proposal tarted up in an oversized titanium dress and Columbia Universityā€™s arrogant expansion into Manhattanville.ā€ (Heā€™s on the advisory board of Develop Donā€™t Destroy Brooklyn.)

Shiffman acknowledged that a reflexive dependence on ā€œcommunity designā€ can be counterproductive, if professionals donā€™t engage in dialogue. ā€œTrue decision-making and true empowerment arise from choosing among informed alternatives,ā€ he said. ā€œHow can the important issues and values that transcend any particular community be put on the agenda? How else can we confront exclusionary and discriminatory policies and practices, particularly when they masquerade as market decisions or, in some cases, as a misrepresentation of the desire to preserve the character of an area?ā€

Saving Stuy Town?

Shiffman criticized the city administrationā€™s decision to sit out the sale of Stuyvesant Town, calling it more cost effective for middle-income residents to live in the outer boroughs: ā€œSo much for diversity, so much for maintaining New York Cityā€™s heterogeneity--let Manhattan, dominated by policies of economic determinism, continue its trend to becoming a borough of the super-rich and the super-poor.ā€

Under the ā€œluxury decontrolā€ provision of the rent regulations, added in 1994, landlords can deregulate units that rent for more than $2000 when they become vacant, or when the tenants have earned at least $175,000 for two consecutive years. The average rent in Manhattan is now $2400 a month. Moreover, the annual increases granted by the cityā€™s Rent Guidelines Board would lift that $2000 figure to $2995, and if indexed to rent increases, it would go to $3300. So he called for the city and state to raise the ceiling on stabilized rents to $3300 and index it to the housing increases.

Also, though it may be seem too late, he called for the city and state governments to offer capital funds and tax incentives to maintain about half of the units in stabilization. One tactic, he said, might be to place a surcharge on higher-income families occupying rent stabilized units to support a housing trust fundā€”but not to lose that rent-regulated apartment.

421-a tweak

The 421-a tax abatement program is due for an overhaul, but a mayoral task force recently recommended that an affordability requirement be extended only to small parts of the outer boroughs, essentially maintaining a gentrification subsidy in for development in thriving areas like Park Slope and Fort Greene.

ā€œWhy not allow the tax-abatement provision to go only to developers who are building 100 percent affordable housing?ā€ Shiffman asked. New taxes could be steered to affordable housing.

Holding onto housing

While there are 77,000 units of HUD-assisted housing in the City of New York, much of that under the Section 8 program that subsidizes rents, 33,000 units may be lost from the program in the next five years. That means numerous families face the risk of displacement. While a new city law, the Tenant Empowerment Act, gives tenants and notā€“forā€“profit organizations the right to purchase Section 8 developments, such groups need financial, technical, and legal resources.

Shiffman said city should set aside $75-$100 million for use by tenants and community groups to convert such at-risk developments to permanent affordable housing. And the city and professional organizations must advocate that HUD maintain support for such housing.

New development for whom?

New development is crucial because of a shortfall in housing and the steady growth of the cityā€™s population. An unreleased study conducted by planner Alex Garvin has recommended that the city build platforms over railyards and highways for new developments.

However, he warned that the city must not build only for the wealthy. Land currently zoned for manufacturing must be protectedā€”and the city may develop new industries for components needed for green development. Given the large numbers of families seeking public housingā€”140,000, with an average wait of eight yearsā€”most new development must be for low-, moderate-, and middle-income housing, he said.

He called for a balance regarding density, saying that in some areas itā€™s too little, while in other areas it could be burdensome.

ESDC warnings

Shiffman warned that the Atlantic Yards proposal Columbia Universityā€™s proposed expansion ā€œundermine our future ability to undertake the proper planning and development of these kinds of needed mega-projects,ā€ calling them ā€œthe culture and codification of cronyism.ā€ Both lack ā€œthe necessary participatory processes to develop a program, land-use plan, set of urban design guidelines and a transparent selection process.ā€

Shiffmanā€™s not against eminent domainā€”which he said should be used only after a public planning process and when the public purposes is clear--or even the ESDC. ā€œAs planners, we know that eminent domain and the power of public authorities, properly crafted and used, can be important tools to address public purposes,ā€ he said. ā€œBut the abuse of eminent domain feeds a public sentiment that could lead to a complete backlash.ā€ Given a right-leaning Supreme Court, he said, ā€œwe may lose an important tool because weā€™ve misused it in these cases.ā€

He called for Eliot Spitzer, the presumptive next governor, to convene a working group to examine emerging large-scale development projects and review projects in the pipeline so they ā€œare not hastily pushed through at the 11th hour prior to Governor Patakiā€™s departure from office.ā€ (He last month called for such a time-out.)

The ESDC and its parent the Urban Development Corporation, he said, ā€œshould be restructured to meet its original purpose honoring Martin Luther King,ā€ to ā€œpromote low-income affordable and mixed-income racially integrated housing,ā€ among other things.

New policies

The state and the feds must do more, Shiffman said, but ā€œthe city canā€™t wait for other levels of government to act.ā€ He suggested that the city could draw on a variety of sources to commit at least $12 billion to preserve and build affordable housing over ten years. This could upgrade at least 100,000 units and produce at least 300,000 new unitsā€”more than double the mayorā€™s $7.5 billion plan to create and preserve 165,000 affordable units.

He called for 50 percent of all new housing be affordableā€”a model in some other ā€œworld citiesā€--based on a combination of incentives, capital subsidies and regulations be adopted to achieve this objective. Where could the money come from? A housing trust fund could include funds from Battery Park City, PILOTs (payments in lieu of taxes) from major developments, surcharges on real estate transactions, and other sources.

Grow or die?

Shiffman encouraged the audience to lobby their elected representatives to put affordable housing on the agendaā€”and to call for a time-out on poorly planned development. What, he was asked, should be said to officials like Senator Charles Schumer who express a ā€œgrow or dieā€ sentiment?

(Schumer last May denounced critics of new development as "the culture of inertia, this small group of self-appointed people.")

ā€œYou do grow or die,ā€ Shiffman responded. ā€œBut you have to grow right. You fight for qualitative development, not quantitative development.ā€

Another interlocutor lamented decreasing government and public support for social and economic integration. ā€œToo much of what weā€™re doing is surrendering to cynicism,ā€ Shiffman said, citing those who say ā€œitā€™s a done dealā€ regarding Atlantic Yards or say ā€œitā€™s the marketā€ regarding the sale of Stuyvesant Town.

ā€œThe markets are conditioned by public policies,ā€ he said. ā€œI have greater faith in people.ā€ And, he said, he would be in contact with Spitzer's transition team.


  1. Shiffman is a nitwit if he thinks New York City should build more subsidized housing for people who don't have money when there are long lines of willing people with enough money to pay market rates for their real estate.

    Affluent people pay taxes and spend money. They are a net benefit to the cities in which they live. Too many subsidized citizens are create net debts for their cities.

    Why would anyone want to put out the welcome mat for people who will dig a deeper fiscal hole for the city?


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