The news, reported in a front-page Star-Ledger article headlined TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT: Newark will shut streets near arena, alarmed some city leaders, who said the city was cutting things close. "The arena is opening in two weeks and I want to make sure we have a plan and people know what it is," Councilman Oscar S. James II told the newspaper.
The Star-Ledger reported:
"You can't construct an arena and put it right against a street in a post 9/11 world," Newark Police Director Garry McCarthy said. "So we're playing catch-up and taking measures to make sure it's safe."
What about Brooklyn?

So, does the city of New York plan to close parts of adjacent streets, notably narrow Dean Street or even wider Flatbush or Atlantic avenues, during arena events in Brooklyn? If so, why was it not disclosed during the Empire State Development Corporation's (ESDC) environmental review of Atlantic Yards, since it inevitably would affect traffic?
And if the city does not plan to do so, then what would make the configuration of streets near the Brooklyn arena that much safer than its counterpart in Newark? In the Star-Ledger, McCarthy described the "standoff"--the distance between the building and a potential terrorist threat--as insufficient on adjacent Edison Place and Mulberry Street, neither of which have residences across the street from the arena, as planned in Brooklyn.
(View of Dean Street looking west from Sixth Avenue taken yesterday by Tracy Collins. The buildings on the south side at left would stay, but those on the north side would be demolished for the project.)
In Brooklyn, actually, the towers wrapping the arena would be mostly residential. Dean Street appears to be somewhat wider than Edison Place, but is by no means a major thoroughfare.

In the EIS
The ESDC refused to discuss security issues in any detail, citing confidentiality. In comments filed after the release of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), both the Council of Brooklyn Neighborhoods (CBN) and Develop Donāt Destroy Brooklyn (DDDB) attorney Jeff Baker raised the issue of security. The ESDC repeated a previous response:

McCarthy said the city needed to close the street during events to protect the arena from the threat of a truck bomb, but drivers will be allowed to use Edison Place to enter a privately owned parking lot.
(June 2007 photo of Edison Place border with Prudential Center from New Jersey Devils' construction update.)
Lawsuit issue
Given the history of terrorism threats near the arena site--the Atlantic Avenue transit hub was the target of a 1997 plot by Palestinian militants--concerned citizens and activists have raised the issue repeatedly.(Here's the white paper released by Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn.)
Last November, Bob Ducibella, principal at security consultants Ducibella Venter & Santore, acknowledged at a Municipal Art Society forum that his firm had conducted a security study for Forest City Ratner. While he was unable to comment directly on the situation in Brooklyn, he spoke generally about such reviews.
Asked about such reviews in general, Ducibella responded, "There are issues of perimeter boundaries--you've witnessed street closures--issues about lighting levels at night that create local pollution, in some cases screening trucks on streets, which has a real significant effect on local traffic, so it's difficult for a project of significance now to not have security studies done and recommendations developed in advance that don't somehow inform the EIS process."

(View east on Dean Street from Flatbush Avenue by Tracy Collins. Scroll here to see some of the buildings at the northwest corner of Dean Street and Sixth Avenue.)
[Update: The Final Environmental Impact Statement notes:
Security measures are not anticipated to affect traffic flow, parking, or the movement of goods and people in the vicinity of the project site. In fact, the successful operation of the proposed project necessitates that pedestrian and vehicle access to the site is adequately maintained. Security measures will be designed by the project sponsors in consultation with NYPD so that they would not negatively affect traffic flow, parking, or the movement of goods and people.]
However, a lawsuit filed in May by several community organizations, including DDDB and CBN, charges that the ESDC and MTA each failed to take what the law requires, a āhard look,ā at the environmental impacts, including security and terrorism.
The response shifted, as the state and developer emphasized the importance of confidential preparations. Forest City Ratner attorney Jeffrey Braun subsequently argued that "ESDC made the eminently sensible determination that the risk of a terrorist attack was not appropriate for inclusion in the SEQRA process, which would have entailed the publication, including availability on the Internet, of information about risk assessment and security measures." He noted that the developer hired "preeminent security consultants" who worked with the city police department to address the risk of terrorism.
In a response (p. 71-77 of PDF) to the lawsuit, the ESDC said state law requires review of "reasonably foreseeable" catastrophic impacts, not speculative ones. Moreover, the agency said that the EIS did not evaluate terrorism to a lesser degree than EIS's prepared in connection with other city projects--and that the petitioners cited case law regarding environmental reviews for inherently dangerous facilities like a nuclear plant and a bioweapons lab.
In court in May, the peititioners' attorney, Jeff Baker, argued his clients were not seeking the unveiling of details that would jeopardize security, but the same level of detail in environmental reviews of the World Trade Center and the nearby PATH station in Lower Manhattan. āDoes it make sense to put a glass-walled arena at Flatbush,ā he asked, suggesting that security steps to wall off the project would be āchanging the neighborhood.ā
More about Newark

(Map from Newark Downtown District Streetscape Project)
The city's plan is to install Jersey barriers, typically used as highway dividers, to block cars and trucks from the arena entrance at the corner of Edison and Mulberry.
McCarthy told the paper that a "homeland security survey" apparently was never done for the site by the previous city administration. (What's that? Unclear. Was a security survey done in Brooklyn? Almost certainly.)

(Photo of corner of Edison Place and Mulberry Street--in background, at arena--taken August 26 by Jonathan Barkey)
The AY arena and zoning
The official Atlantic Yards site describes the planned Barclays Center:
The design of the Center invites the outside in: the Centerās Atlantic and Flatbush Avenue faƧades will be expanses of glass, allowing patrons on the concourses inside to glimpse the vibrant life of downtown Brooklyn and flooding the inside with natural light during the day.
As the Executive Summary of the ESDC's Draft Environmental Impact Statement notes , while city zoning prohibits arenas within 200 feet of residential districts, this design will be sufficient:
The arena block is adjacent to a residential district to the south, and accordingly, the arena has been designed to minimize its presence and effect on the residential uses on these blocks. Primary entrances and signage would be oriented toward the crossroads of two major commercial thoroughfares and away from these residences. Two primarily residential buildings (Buildings 2 and 3) on the arena block would occupy most of the Dean Street frontage, serving as a buffer between uses.
However, the buffer between uses would be "primarily residential buildings" themselves.

However, the preferred seating entry and entry to the loading area would be located on Dean Street and, while security screening and loading functions would take place entirely within the building, the residences along this street would experience some localized adverse impacts. The Dean Street corridor between Flatbush and Vanderbilt Avenues is lined with and zoned for both residential and industrial uses. The Dean Street corridor has also historically functioned as a transition between the more commercial and industrial uses to the north and the residential uses to the south. The localized adverse land use impacts attributable to the arena activities interspersed with new, compatible residential uses would not be considered a significant adverse impact on land use.
Brooklyn arena like DC arena?
In the Response to Comments chapter of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, the ESDC explained how this arena would be different:
(Views of the arena's 7th Street main entrance, above, and 6th Street loading side, below back right, taken in June by Norman Oder.)
The ESDC continues:
A prime example of an arena that is compatible with its commercial and residential neighbors is the Verizon Center (formerly the MCI Center) in Washington D.C.ās Chinatown. Opened in 1997, the Verizon Center has proven to be compatible with commercial and mixed-use redevelopment in this downtown neighborhood.
That may be so, but there is no low-rise residential neighborhood directly bordering the Verizon Center. On one side, it is bordered by a mixed-use retail/entertainment/residential development; on the other three are much wider streets than Edison Place or even Dean Street. And the ESDC did not mention whether each location was equally equipped to guard against security threats.
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