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A 13-minute video: "fire doors, Pacific Street, Atlantic Yards"

Barton Lewis "is a Brooklyn-based filmmaker and photographer whose current work centers around features and fixtures of the street and subway transformed by street artists and organic decay," according to his website. "Before turning to photography in 2018, Barton made films about natural light and the urban landscape."

So check out the 13-minute video, fire doors, Pacific Street, Atlantic Yards, described as a "study of 13 graffiti-scrawled fire doors (now dismantled) attached to a fence along the perimeter of the Atlantic Yards development on Pacific Street in Brooklyn, NY."

It's sure a snapshot of a different world, yet... there's still a fence bordering the railyard that suggests a yet-to-be developed site.

fire doors, Pacific Street, Atlantic Yards from Barton Lewis on Vimeo.

The film was posted on Vimeo "14 years ago," meaning 2010, but I suspect it was shot years before at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Vanderbilt Yard, before the project known as Atlantic Yards had actually begun. I noticed it because it's being screened at an upcoming film festival in Poland.

Lewis also has a monograph of his work, The Many Pleasures: Found Art in New York City, by Daylight Books. As stated, "the book contains 77 color plates, including 3 gatefold images (one five feet long), and an essay by noted New York City public historian, Kathleen Hulser."
