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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

At 535 Carlton, Studio Pilates is open. Last retail space, at demapped Pacific St., would border construction staging & ultimately "Pacific Park" plaza & corridor.

Studio Pilates. Photos: Norman Oder
One of the remaining two retail spaces at the 535 Carlton Avenue tower (B14) has been filled, while another--probably the worst located, at least for now--is still seeking a tenant.

Studio Pilates International Prospect Heights opened a few weeks ago, according to Google reviews

The space has an entrance on Carlton Avenue north of the corner of Dean Street and BKLYN Clay. The residential entrance is beyond that.

That means that 535 Carlton now has three tenants, as the home furnishings and accessories store A. Mano (previously Cain Sloan) opened in November 2021 in a space at the east end of the building along Dean Street, flanking the "Pacific Park" open space.

Retail space along Carlton Ave. at Pacific Street
BKLYN Clay opened around October 2018, occupying the largest of the four retail spaces.

Remaining space

One small space remains, 689 square feet, according to broker Ripco, which cites 29 feet, 9 inches on Carlton Avenue for retail or restaurant use.

That location might ultimately be the best situated, if and when the project is fully built out, since it borders demapped Pacific Street, which is supposed to serve as the central path of the open space ("Pacific Park") at the east end of the project. A plaza is planned.

For now, it's flanked by both a pedestrian path and a construction fence, as Pacific Street, should the project proceed, will be used as construction staging for work on the platform, which is supposed to serve six towers over two blocks, as well as those towers.

See arrow below, from the 2015 open space design by Thomas Balsley. But that's years away.

Note: this design has been modified, with B13 and B12 in parallel modified L-shapes, 
with the main lawn moved from between B14-B13 to B13-B12.

So it's a little curious that Ripco's brochure (bottom), excerpted below right, highlights the perspective from corner of Dean Street and Carlton Avenue, home to the pottery studio and shows Studio Pilates outlined in white.

The retail space at issue is highlighted in red, at far left of the image.

Building history

Note that the building, along with the similarly "100% affordable" 38 Sixth Carlton Avenue, was acquired in Spring 2022 from original developer Greenland Forest City Partners by Avanath Capital Management. 

From the marketing brochure

I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that, as shown in the excerpt below, Ripco has a rather sanguine view of the Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park buildout. 

(I previously mentioned this regarding the promotional map for 38 Sixth Avenue retail.)

It predicts apartments not only on the six railyard sites (which I highlighted with rectangles), which is iffy.

It also predicts apartments along Dean Street east of B15 (662 Pacific Street up to Carlton Avenue (which I highlighted with an oval). Needless to say, that area is not part of the project site.
