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A follow-up on the AY ombudsperson: "intersecting concerns"

My follow-up on the Atlantic Yards ombudsperson issue in the Brooklyn Downtown Star adds some more context:
Asked to comment, Peter Krashes of the Dean Street Block Association, a neighbor of the bakery, responded, ""While starting in June or July double-shift work was scheduled for the demolition of the Ward Bread parapet and for the asbestos abatement, very little of it actually took place. As far as I know, those double shifts that did take place were simply to sweep up after the work during the day. Still, it was unfortunate that double-shift work was approved, given the close proximity of the many residents in the area-both inside and outside the footprint-and the inability of the developer to provide noise mitigations for so many of them."

He added, "There are many intersecting concerns that need to be taken into account when doing work like the parapet demolition at the Ward Bakery building, and the ESDC is the only oversight agency in a position to have a comprehensive overview. However modest, as a bottom-line standard the developer has made specific commitments to the community to lower construction impacts like noise for residents. From a practical point of view, the ESDC is the entity that must oversee how those commitments are affected by issues like approving double-shift work. DOB's concerns are narrower. The ESDC has the responsibility to know where the residents are inside and outside the footprint, and how they are going to be impacted by project related work. If they don't do their job well, there is a real risk someone will be affected adversely who doesn't have to be."
