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The Times errs in the other direction

From today's New York Times, not (yet?) online, p. 21 of the SundayStyles section, under Weddings/Celebrations:
Shabnam Merchant and Daniel E. Goldstein were married Monday...
The bride and bridegroom are community organizers for Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn, an organization that promotes affordable housing and is against the proposed Atlantic Yards development in Brooklyn. The bride also serves as the organization's director of fund-raising, and the bridegroom as spokesman...

Well, DDDB certainly opposes Atlantic Yards, and it doesn't oppose affordable housing, but the latter--as opposed to "responsible development"--is hardly its raison d'etre. DDDB would not be confused with ACORN or the Fifth Avenue Committee or the Pratt Area Community Council, affordable housing organizations on different sides of the Atlantic Yards fight.

AY "proposed" or "planned"?

As for "proposed Atlantic Yards," the Times has used the term six times since the project was approved last December. It's used the term "planned Atlantic Yards" four times, or so a search says.

I've been using "planned Atlantic Yards" more since project approval, because the term "proposed" suggests it hasn't gone through any official process. (Whoops--I just changed "proposed" to "planned" in the summary up top.)

It's easy to be a lot more careless and the Times has too often failed to question the developer's narrative. Last week, the architecture critic suggested that the project was getting under way, without acknowledging that it has been delayed by lawsuits and could be derailed by them.
