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My Daily News op-ed: Eric Adams’ gentrification double standard

I have an op-ed in the Daily News online today, headlined Eric Adams’ gentrification double standard. It begins:
Though Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams called his passionate “go back to Iowa!” admonition on Martin Luther King Day a “gaffe,” others suggest he’s strategically aiming for a black and Latino voter base in the 2021 mayoral election.
Having closely watched Adams navigate one gentrification-related issue, I found his “kumbaya” open letter in the Daily News equally strategic. Yes, “rapid changes [are] causing a lot of pain among long-time residents and businesses.”
But it was disingenuous for Adams to cite “The restaurant owner of a neighborhood institution who received so many noise complaints she’s forced to close down her business.” Why? Because he’s prominently defended relatively new destination nightclubs that featured bottle service.
In Brooklyn, it was Woodland, a nightspot on Flatbush Ave. at the edge of Park Slope that generated numerous complaints for noise, public urination and violation of liquor license stipulations.
For the rest of the piece, click here.
