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Legal case involving 664 Pacific and neighbor appears resolved, but plans for tower (& school) unclear

A roadblock in the development of the 27-story B15 (aka 664 Pacific) site, which is slated for market-rate rentals and a school across from the Barclays Center, has been removed, but plans for that tower remain unclear.

Developer Greenland Forest City Partners was in a legal dispute with the owner of the adjacent 497 Dean property regarding the safety of planned excavation activities for 664 Pacific, as well as a license fee for access. 

The case, as shown in the documents below, is now discontinued, which implies an out-of-court resolution. 

What's next? 

A spokesman for GFCP declined comment, so we don't know when and whether construction will start. (The market for rentals may also be a factor in deciding to build.)

Perhaps the issue will come up at the upcoming Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Quality of Life meeting, next Tuesday, May 2, at 6 pm at 55 Hanson Place.

As I wrote, given that the projected time for pre-construction and construction of 664 Pacific is four years, that suggests that--unless construction goes faster than expected--the promised middle school won't arrive until 2021, rather than 2018 or 2019, as once projected. The school has been dubbed by backers as M.S. OneBrooklyn.

The documents
